
Early in 2015 Google announced that it will be checking whether websites are mobile friendly. If they are not that will affect their ranking in search results. You can read about a recent update announcement here.

What is a responsive website?

A responsive website is one that adapts its layout depending on the size of the screens viewing it. It displays the optimum content arrangement and loading speed for the device being used to view it - desktop/laptop, tablet or smartphone

How is this done?

Here at Rangs Graphics we use world's best practice website coding and hosting solutions. This gives our clients'websites better SEO and accessibility.

How can I tell if my website is responsive (mobile friendly)?

To check if your website is responsive, bring it up in a web browser screen. Then grab the side of the browser screen and bring it in so that it is as narrow as a tablet. If content starts to disappear on the side, the website is not mobile friendly.

Another way to check is to bring your website up on your phone. If you get a tiny version of the site that looks exactly the way it does on your PC, the site is not mobile friendly.

What's next?

If you want your website to be adapted to a mobile friendly layout please contact us and we can give you a quote.